Today I want to talk about
two brothers. Children of the same father and same mother with the same genetic
lineage, they were brothers twins, but the differences between the two came
from the inside to out. I'm talking about Esau and Jacob.
Tells the story that one day Esau came from hunting, he was very hungry, his brother Jacob was cooking, and Esau hungry, ordered a plate of lentils.
Tells the story that one day Esau came from hunting, he was very hungry, his brother Jacob was cooking, and Esau hungry, ordered a plate of lentils.
Jacob very smart said, I give you food if you give me your birthright*.
Then Esau said, "Look, I am about to die, what good is the birthright to me?" Genesis 25:32
Then Esau said, "Look, I am about to die, what good is the birthright to me?" Genesis 25:32
So as we know, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. Over
the years, to die Isaac called Esau and asked him: "Behold now, I am old
and do not know the day of my death, takes, therefore, thy weapons, thy quiver
and thy bow, and go out to the field , and take me some venison; "
Genesis 27:2-3
Genesis 27:2-3
Jacob with the help of his mother tricked Isaac, who is thinking was
Esau, blessed Jacob instead.

Sometimes we are too weak, tired and forget the
blessings of God. Then along comes someone/something that gives us a relief, a
cure, a momentary satisfaction, and we accept that, and in turn we deliver our
blessing to another.
1 - If God has promised, He will fulfill.
"God is not human, that he should lie, not a
human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19
2 - Years may pass, but the promises do not die:
"Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall
not pass away." Luke 21:33
3 - The bread can be of sorrow, but the victory is
"Although the Lord gives you the bread of
adversity and the water of affliction,
your teachers will be hidden no more;
with your own eyes you will see them. Isaiah 30:20 a
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for
your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7
Stay strong in Jesus,
do not change your blessing for anything
else, wait patiently.
xoxo, Luana.
*Primogeniture is the common tradition of inheritance of all wealth, status or role of parents for the first child, or in the absence of a child by close relatives, in order to maintain the status of the family line.
ResponderExcluirGod bless you always, God gave him a gift, wisdom ...
each morning .... His mercies are new ...
kisses ....
love you friend
Aline O S