I guess all my words won't be able to explain you how I really feel about His love for me, because as I once heard 'the love can't be explained, but felt', so even though I use all the beautiful and deep words them will never be enough to explain that love, because it is not any kind of love, is a special and unique kind of love, a love that sacrifices Himself just for we may live, a jealous but respecting love.
So assuming that my words won't be enough, I have to tell you about Jesus, actually I think is almost impossible that you never heard about Him, didn't you? if you didn't yet, you need to know Him asap! Don't you know how to do that? Is easy, just say a prayer, a little simple prayer, He is a prayer away from you.
And trust me, none will love you like Him, NO ONE!
Em entrevista ao programa que leva o nome do apresentador, Jimmy Kimmel, Demi Lovato brinca dizendo que Jennifer Lawrence é a culpada de el...
Hi, my name is Luana, I'm 21 years old. I live in a small town in southern Brazil.
I love writing and share my opinion, always respecting others right, I believe that everyone has a story to tell, everyone has the right of share its thoughts but remember of doing this with elegance. My theme is: "Change the world with your word."
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Praying For Celebrities
Praying4Celebrities: Celebrities are followed for a lot of people around the world, but when the lights go out, and the silence comes, they are just people, just human being like you and me, they have a heart and a soul who need be filled by something and it's God, but they don't know that yet, so that's our job, tell them about Jesus' love. Adopt some celebrity in prayer for they have the chance to know this immeasurable love that once we met.
I Love Myself
I love Myselfé uma campanha voltada para informar jovens que passam ou já passaram por qualquer tipo de distúrbio emocional (como bulimia, anorexia, bullying, depressão, auto-mutilação e etc) e todos os seus perigos.
Nossa campanha é inspirada na cantora Demi Lovato que já passou por estes problemas e tem sido uma boa influencia para muitos jovens ao expor seu problema e ao ter procurado ajuda médica, além de se tratar e se cuidar dia após dia.
Estamos aqui para orientá-los e mostrar a vocês que amar você mesmo é o primeiro passo para fora da depressão. Junte-se a nós nessa campanha.
Pencil of Promisse
Children Are The Future: There are currently more than 61 million children without access to education, but together we can do something about it. Education is one of the things that people can't steal from us, when I was at school I learned much more than literature and math, I learned how to be a good person, I learned to persue my goal no looking to the obstacles, just looking toward my dreams. When you're a child the world seems so much easier, beautiful and magic, this feeling can't be stole from the kids, they need to believe in something, they need to get hope about tomorrow, that's the why I joined to this cause, to help those children to have a opportunity to study, they are the future, whatever you want for tomorrow it's up to them, give they a chance to change this world.
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